The English teenage contest is a unique English language competition opened to all high schools in the world. The test is structured for high school/secondary school students aged between 15 and 19. The competition will take place on 30th of June 2018, between 7 and 11 AM. The exact time of the beginning of the test is up to you, however, the whole school/all students shall start at the same moment.
All participants will be rewarded a gift for their participation in the event.
Along with gifts & rewards, we’ll award some scholarships as well.
We make sure that everyone is honored in a right and appropriate way.
Everyone takes part in our event is promised to receive a great send-off.

You can register your school right now using the online form found on our website. Registrations will be closed on 27th of November 2017. Everything that is needed to prepare for the hosting of this event is under development, but we need some extra funds for better and bigger contest in comparison to last year’s.
This year’s contest receives the attention of many more people from all over the world – nearly double last year’s number. Tickets have been sold out just a few days after pre-event ticket selling. In order to serve these dramatically increasing number of participants, we’ll need your kind help at any time.